Friday, April 23, 2010

What to plant?

4/23/2010 - "What shall I grow?" is always the question rolling around in my are my thoughts thus far but we will see how it shakes out. I am also listing what I plan to do with each. This is a long list and most things will be a one plant deal to try out except for things that I have really specific plans for like peppers and tomatoes. I am disappointed though - I can't grow corn! What is a garden without corn?? It is part of the guidelines of the community garden. They do have a long row on the back of the garden that they will be planting corn, so I hope it will do well and I can get some. I also won't be able to grow watermelon or cantaloupe again because of the garden guidelines. But again they said I could have a couple of mounds to plant these apart from my plots. They sprawl too much and may be a problem for other folks plots.

Planted already:
  • Romaine Lettuce
  • Bibb Lettuce
  • Carrots - duds! May try growing at home in containers?
  • Okra - pickles!
  • Green Bell Peppers - family loves munching on these and will also vacuum pack/freeze
  • Red Bell Peppers - same as green
To be planted?
  • Pickle Cucumbers - pickles!
  • Slicing Cucumbers - salads
  • Jalapeno Peppers - pickles and stuffed peppers
  • Poblano Peppers - chile rellenos!!!
  • Crook-Neck Summer Squash - eat fresh, sauteed, casseroles, freeze?
  • Patty Pan Summer Squash - sauteed
  • Zucchini - freeze
  • Courgette Bambino Zucchini - sauteed
  • Cherry or Grape Tomatoes - eat like jelly beans!, salads
  • Roma Tomatoes - paste, sauces, salads
  • Beef Steak, Brandywine, and/or Mortgage Lifter Tomatoes - stewed (plain and Italian), sauce, juice - canned
  • Yellow/Orange Tomatoes - sandwiches, munching
  • Cantaloupe
  • Watermelon
I am sure this is much too ambitious. We will see what actually makes the cut. :-)

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