Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Happy Birthday, AC!

Tomorrow is the big #2 birthday for our little AC! He is definitely not a baby anymore. Sniff! Sniff! He's the last one in diapers - YEAH! He is such a happy boy absolutely full of energy and life. However, he is showing his upcoming age. He gets upset, frustrated or cries for unknown reasons and has fits at the drop of a hat. I know he is frustrated because he tries to communicate and then just gets mad. So between difficulty in communicating and understanding all of his little emotions the 2's are definitely settling in. ARGH! But despite all that he is still the most joyful happy little guy...he loves to horse around, giggle, wrestle, and play and usually always with a big grin on his face and twinkle in his eye. What is interesting is he was the most unhappy grumpy baby when he was born. He was such a difficult baby virtually impossible to keep happy. Then we visited a Cranio-Sacral Therapist a couple of times and he was a new child. Thank goodness!

Anyway, Happy Birthday! Mommy loves you so much!

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