Thursday, April 22, 2010

Weeds out - time to till

4/19/2010 - Finished weeding the two new plots. The dirt is hard as rock. I had considered hand-tilling the plots myself until I saw how hard they were. My friend's husband may come and till my plots for me. It is supposed to rain tomorrow so maybe that will loosen things up.

Fortunately the weeds came up easily in one plot since it was mainly just ground cover and not rooted. There were a few nasty deeply rooted weeds but not too bad. In the second plot the weeds were more rooted and took some maneuvering, digging, pulling and back breaking. In the first plot half way through I broke my hand shovel I was digging more rooted weeds with. That is what you get with a cheap shovel.

I am wondering what I should invest in to till this up if I have to do it by hand. A cultivator or pitch fork like thing? I guess it is also time to pony up more cash for a nicer heavy duty hand trowel/shovel. I saw one of those fancy 7 in 1 tools...Tim Allen tool of gardeners. :-)

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