4/22/2010 - I invested in one of those 4-pronged cultivators. I thought that the pitch fork thing would actually go too deep for these plots. The plots are only about 4" deep and hard rocky stuff underneath. I got that 7 in 1 tool (shovel, serated edge, knife like edge, weeder, tamper, etc.). Let's hope this one doesn't break!
OK, time to till up this soil by hand. I didn't want to mess around waiting for someone to till for me and it rained a night or two back so maybe not so bad. I started on the first plot and there were so many rocks, stones and....poop! I am betting it is the Canadian geese that hang out in the park nearby. At first I thought it was dog poop - but I am pretty certain it is those geese. I have seen them waddle over from time to time. The neighborhood dogs don't seem to go as far back where the garden plots are.
As I was tilling the first new plot in the corner there were ants like crazy! Not good! I mean everywhere. I turned the soil under and put additional soil in there but I will need to put something down to combat these ants or the crops will suffer.
I got both of the new plots tilled and as I was raking them getting the rocks out my neighbor/friend's husband showed up to check up on additional work that was being done to set out more plots for future gardeners! He asked who tilled my garden for me. LOL! No worries! Well, I am done tilling now. It was good for me physically to get a good work out and work the muscles. I got two skinned up thumbs even though I had gloves on...no blisters just shaved off skin. Ouch!
These plots look so much nicer! It is supposed to rain this weekend. So that will give me time to plan more and get whatever I can't find locally ordered online.
I also weeded more around my initial plot the weeds were almost as tall as me! Still some more cleaning around the plot to be done but I will come back to it. I am whipped and ready to pack up and be done for a couple of days. :-)
Here are close up shots of my lettuce:
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