Went to the garden and got the peppers into the soil with a layer of mushroom compost under a layer of soil. I am not too sure about this mushroom compost. I used hummus last fall. But I also started with good rich soil too. Watered everything good too.

4/16/2010 - I went down to the feed store that carries about every sort of yard, garden, feed sort of stuff you can imagine. I picked up a couple of plant starts and began quizzing about what more would be coming in that I didn't see. Before I could finish my request the owner (?) assured me that yes he would have what I wanted. I hope so...
I went to the garden plot and planted two Clemson Spineless Okra and a Boston Pickling Cucumber. In hindsight I think I got the pickling cucumber way too close to the okra and edge of plot. Have to think on that one.

The lettuce is looking quite lush - still no carrots...sigh. But a fellow gardener showed up while I was watering and wrapping things up. She said last year she tried carrots and they started well. They were big and fat with nice tops but at 3-4" down they started curling. The plots aren't deep enough. Well mine haven't done anything so maybe I will give it a go in a deep container at home. Although it is probably getting too late in the season now.
We are officially past the "last frost date" and it has been real nice out. The soil is about the right temperature so it is really time to get busy.
Now if the garden board would just assign me my two additional plots!! I need to weed and till them.
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