Since we had a longer weekend with the Easter holiday, I got to spend a little more time at the garden. I have about everything in except for one more cucumber pickle planting and a little more mulching.
I found a yellow pear tomato plant that looked like it might be good to compare to my jubilee yellow tomato seeds. I planted quite a bit from seeds this year to save a little cash so I am anxious to see how they do compared to plant starts. I papered and mulched around the plants and then when I see sprouts from my seed plantings I will paper and mulch around them. I am using pine straw over newspaper for mulch. I am hopeful that this will hold the weeds back and keep moisture in.
Here is the (almost) final planting list:
2 - Yellow Crook Neck Squash - plant starts
2 - Yellow Patty Pan/Scallop Squash - seeds from last year
2 - Bambino Courgette (Zucchini) Squash - seeds from last year
1 - Picks-a-lot Cucumber - seeds from last year
1 - Pickling Cucumber - seeds *still need to plant
2 - Cherry Tomato - plant starts
1 - Yellow Pear Tomato - plant start
2 - Green Bell Pepper - plant start
1 - Red Bell Pepper - plant start
2 - Jelly Bean Tomato - seeds from last year
2 - Red Brandywine Tomato - seeds
2 - Jubilee Yellow Tomato - seeds from last year
2 - Roma Tomato - plant starts
2 - Pink Brandywine - plant starts
Pictures from 4/19/2011 prior to paper and mulching:
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