Monday, April 18, 2011

It's That Time of Year - Spring Gardening!

Well I am a few weeks behind getting into the garden. The weather has been pretty cool and I haven't had the motivation to get busy. But nature calls and so does the community garden. A couple of weeks ago I started cleaning out my plots and cleaning up walkways. I decided to go from three plots to two plots. I learned a lot last year and two will be plenty. Plus I still have plenty of pickles!

A week ago I finished cleaning up my plots, tilling, and helping other community garden members clean up their plots. My legs were feeling it too!

This evening I made a dash to the garden to start planting although we have a very cool several evenings. I put in two yellow crook-neck squash, two mounds of yellow patty pan squash, two mounds of zucchini, two cherry tomatoes, one mound of cucumbers (need to get more seeds!), two green bell pepper, one red bell pepper, two roma tomatoes, and two pink brandywine tomatoes. I still need to put in one more cucumber plant and a couple of jubilee (yellow) tomatoes. I love those plain and they are delicioso on a fresh sandwich. Mmmm, drooling as I type!

Not sure what else I will get in there and I still have plenty room....

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