Today is a very special day for 3 years ago, we were blessed with our fourth child. I remember the day vividly as I do with all four. The couple of days before I was having some cramping but nothing significant or consistent. When I woke up at 8:15am on February 20th, I was having a harder "cramp" or probably contraction. So I laid still to see if there was going to be some rhythm or consistency to these contractions. Yes, they were about 20 minutes apart...that was good, sort of. I had to quickly get my midwife and her assistant here - quickly! When contractions start for me, babies come fast! I called my midwife but she wasn't going to be at the house until close to noon. Her assistant who was my good friend made it to the house at about 10:30. She kicked into gear and took charge until the midwife got there.
Probably shortly after 11am I was dropped down ready to push. I tried to hold off until the midwife got there, but I wasn't going to make it. The midwife walked in the door at 11:45am and I was ready to push. My water broke with my first push at 11:47am. I then rhythmically got in my groove and started working this baby out. I had to breathe through a couple of pushes because the the little guy had his hand on his cheek. Well, that wasn't going to go through easily! So the midwife pulled his hand out and then a few pushes later out he plopped. I remember the midwife, assistant and my husband asking what it was - I looked down and shouted - "It's a boy! Another boy!" That was 12:03pm. (See, I told you they come fast!)
He was probably my most difficult baby, not to deliver, but to handle as a baby. I remember number after night pacing the floor with him pleading for sleep. He wasn't one to be rocked. He wanted to be on the move. He was a very unhappy baby. He wasn't colicky because he didn't have those symptoms, just unhappy. Finally at my wits end and fully understanding how babies get thrown into dumpsters or left somewhere, although I wouldn't do that, I knew something had to be done. My midwife suggested I take him to a Sacral Cranio Therapist. I immediately made an appointment and took him in. The first session seemed to help but we knew he needed to again. The second visit was much better. He probably could have used a third but we were much happier now. He was much happier!
This is what we always remember is how unhappy he was and how he is always happy now. He has always got a grin on his face and is usually always happy. He loves to horse around, wrestle and play. He is 100% boy through and through. He likes dirt, tractors, cars and being outside. He is lovable and sweet but has an independent streak that can drive you crazy. He takes initiative, turns off lights, shuts doors and makes sure things are "right" around him. He does not like to be corrected or reprimanded by the important men in his life. He puckers out his bottom lip and melts into a puddle of tears.
He is a special little guy and I think after 3 years, we will keep him! Just kidding! Happy Birthday!
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