Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Eek! What's happened to my Janet Craig?

I am not a gardener, horticulturist, or anything else involving plants. But I do have a Janet Craig that seems to have done well the last several years. It gets the usual brown leaves that drop off here and there and it will sometimes get little browned edges. I am careful to lightly water it to prevent root rot and it is in reasonable, not too bright, indirect light. A week or so ago I gave it some MiracleGrow plant food as recommended by my plant book and MiracleGrow's box. In the last day or so over half of the leaves turned dark brown-black and look sick. The stalks are getting dark and brown too. There are two "stalks" in the large pot. One of them seems alright, but the other is the sickly one. What could be the problem? Time to Google...

***UPDATE: Apparently I have over-watered it. After looking at several sites they describe my leaves and associate it to over-watering. Great, I just watered it again today. I guess I better back off and really let it dry some before it dies.

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