By the end of this evening, I was at my last breath of patience. Over the last several days I've listened to the almost 2yo whine and cry continuously with no idea why; the 3yo whine and cry about being left out, left alone, or just not getting his way; the 4yo has been tame; and the typical school struggles with the 9yo...carelessness, doesn't pay attention, attention span of a gnat, etc. Now let me hasten to say this is all part of the territory of their ages and their other wonderful qualities far outweigh these temporary troublesome ones. So a calm deep breath, good nite's sleep and fresh new day makes all the difference.
As I drift off to sleep, I am reminded of their sweet or cute antics too.
The 3yo has been growing a drawl like you wouldn't believe...single syllables words are turning into 2-3 syllables...nap = nay-ap, have = hay-ave and so on. You get the picture. But what is funny is he doesn't really get out much or interact with much of anyone, so where did the drawl come from? Do I talk like that? If I do, please slap me! He has also been growing his own way of talking..."Ok, Mom, here's the deal..." How many 3yo's say that? And, "Actually Mom, ..."
Our almost 2yo is coming up on his 2nd birthday in a few weeks and I think the terrible twos are hitting him hard. Ever since I returned from Lotusphere and his grandpa left he has been a whiney bag grump with the strongest will I've seen in him yet. But again, his charm and good nature over-shadows his present disposition. He has a face for every moment, quick as a whip, and really does have a sweet side.
And I have to add that our 3yo is just about potty-trained! Yip-pee (no pun intended!) I am one child away from being diaper free! They all four sleep through the night. I think I have just about arrived...until the next crisis of raising children.
But like I tell everyone I meet that gawk at me wide-eyed and slack-jawed, these kids are fun good kids. I can take them out in public, sit with them in a church service, and let them go with another trusted adult without cringing. I wouldn't trade them for anything!
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